Roteiro Levantado do Chão

by Município de Montemor-o-Novo

Travel & Local


The Levantado do Chão Literary Route shows the places where the most striking episodes of the work unfold, through a historical and social contextualization of its themes, including testimonies about the women and men who inspired the main stories and characters of the plot of Levantado do Chão. It also invites you to learn about the biographical aspects related to José Saramagos stay in Lavre, a place where the author went to in 1976, with the purpose of documenting himself to write what would become his first great novel.The three thematic routes are arranged as follows:1st Thematic RouteThe Raised On This FloorYears 1933/74 - The Repression of the Dictatorship in the AlentejoLISBONJoão Mau-Tempo - resistance and freedomJosé Saramago FoundationMuseum of AljubeCommerce SquareTerreiro do Paço StationMONTEMOR-O-NOVOGermano Vidigal and José Adelino dos SantosBullringEthnology Center - Local MuseumGNR TourCastleInterpretative Center Raised from the Groundtown hallMunicipal Archive2nd Thematic RouteResistance: «João Mau-Tempo» and the struggle of the Alentejo Agricultural ProletariatFirst years of the century. XX - Resignation and BanditryÉVORAThe Myth of Salazarist PortugalBullring - João Mau-Tempo at the anti-communist rally of 1937SANTIAGO DO ESCOURALThe 70s - Agrarian ReformLargo de Santiago do Escoural - The murders of Casquinha and CaravelaSantiago do Escoural Church - A church that used to be a schoolSAINT CRISTOPHERResignation and BanditryLargo de São Cristóvão - The first change of Sara da Conceição and Domingos Mau-TempoRua dos Sapateiros - The Mau-Tempo dwellingThe Taberna - The resignation of Bad Weather and the Stories of Zé RatoSÃO GERALDO1940s / 60s - Revolutionary MilitancyLargo de São Geraldo - The militancy of João Mau-TempoCIBORROThe 10s - Culture and EducationLargo do Povo do Ciborro - The Galician houseEscola Primária do Ciborro - The school time of João Mau-Tempo3rd Thematic RouteJosé Saramago in Monte-Lavre1970s - People and places raisedLAVREMariana and João Besugas houseEast Wind Consumer CooperativeJosé Saramago Reading HouseGrocery store by Maria Graniza (Maria Saraiva)Casa dos Mau-Tempo (João Serra and Júlia Oliveira)Ponte Cava